Contact Me & T&C
07974 424413
1. Classes are booked in 4 week blocks which run consecutively throughout the year.
2. I cannot roll missed sessions over but if spaces are available in the other classes clients are able to make up missed classes by attending one of these. ( This may not always be possible if the class is full)
3. Clients space is only guaranteed if it is paid for.
4. Absences & holidays - if clients are away or on holiday at the time of renewal and have not made payment I cannot hold a space whilst clients are absent and cannot guarantee space will be available when a client returns.
5. I run classes throughout the year apart from bank holidays and the Christmas period.
6. If I have to cancel a class I will give clients as much notice as possible and will roll these sessions forward.
7. Clients are expected to arrive before the class starts to ensure they are ready to start on time and stay for the duration.
8 If clients decide they will no longer be continuing with the class and are due to renew, a 48 hour notice period is required